
府中市で高校・大学・大学院受験 英語塾 英検 TOEIC TOEFL アメリカ留学 英文読解の透視図なら とも英語塾府中 小金井 国分寺 東府中 調布からも便利です



Some evening when the weather is good, go outside and look up at the sky.Try to find a small red spot.That’s Mars.Mars has boon called our sister planet because it is so close to us and is almost the same size as the Earth.

In 1877 Schiaparelli (a scientist) said,”I found many lines on Mars through telescopes.”  Percival Lowell (an astronomer) thought that these lines were very big canals and that they were built by Martians. Some people believed him.Others thought the lines were natural features, not canals.

A close look at Mars was possible in the early 1970s.At that time a series of spaceships called Mariners were built.They had good cameras.They sent us lots of pictures from Mars.But in the photos, there were no canals.There were no signs of plant or animal life.Mars was filled with rocks and sand. Moreover, the temperature was very low.It was -73℃. Mars looked like a frozen, dead world.

But some scientists did mot give up.They found that the temperatures at the South Pole are not very different from those of other spots on Mars.They thought that there might bo life under the sand.

To prove that life could exist on Mars, one scientist built “Mars jars.” These jars were filled with the same type of air and sand on Mars.Samples of little earth plants and animals were placed in the jars, and a little water was added.The jars were placed in light like that on Mars.Most of them did not die.

Is there life on Mars? Even now, no one knows the real answer to this question. (281words)    












It has been discussed whether there is life on Mars or not for a long time, and recent research shows that no lives was discovered on Mars and that the environment of Mars may be suitable for life.


  • main ideaとthe most important detailはOKです。
  • researchには冠詞がいらないのを表現できている点はすばらしい。
  • that節内のパラレルの使い方は適切。


  • that節内で主語がno livesの複数なので動詞はwereにする。主語と動詞の一致。
  • the most important detailは対比で、宇宙船での至近観察と仮説に基づく地上実験。
  • recent researchの直後に過去分詞の後置修飾でdone by spaceshipsとすれば「近くで観察しても」の部分が表現できる。
  • 合わせてon the other hand をセミコロンとカンマで挿入して、地上での実験では「生き物が住める環境になりうる」という仮説が証明されているとつなげたい。  


Whether or not there is life on Mars has been a big topic for a long time, and recent research done by spaceships shows that no lives seems to exist on Mars; on the other hand, a ground experiment proves that the environment of Mars may be suitable for life.


Get creative with the way you study. There will be no better study efficiency without improvement. — Yoshio Akao

勉強法を工夫しよう。工夫なき勉強に能率の向上はない。 赤尾好夫 作

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