
府中市で高校・大学・大学院受験 英語塾 英検 TOEIC TOEFL アメリカ留学 英文読解の透視図なら とも英語塾府中 小金井 国分寺 東府中 調布からも便利です



Potato chips are Americans’ favorite snack food. The first potato chips were made in New York. A chef living there made the potato chips out of French fries. In the 1700s, fried potatoes were popular in France. They were thick in those days. Thomas Jefferson stayed in France for a while before he became President of the United States. He enjoyed eating French fries there. After he came back to America, he gave them to his guest. French fries became popular in America, too. In the summer of 1853 George Crum was working as chef at a high-class restaurant in Saratoga Springs, New York. He cooked French fries there. One night, a diner sat at a table. As soon as he saw the fried potatoes, he said, “These French fries are too thick for me to eat.” Then Crum cut them again and again. They became very thin. It was difficult to eat them with a fork. This time the diner enjoyed the very thin fried potatoes. Other diners ordered these French fries, too. The food named Saratoga Chips became a specialty at the restaurant. At last Crum opened his own restaurant. It became famous for his Chips. Soon the potato chips in that area were packed and spread to many other countries. (220words)    



固有名詞は発案者のGeorge Crumまでと地名のNew Yorkまで入れます。基本はmain ideaをど真ん中にしてthe most important detailを的確に選んで脇を固めていきましょう。





The French fries that Crum who is a chef in Saratoga Sprongs arranged for a customer became famous as potato chips.


  • main ideaはOKです。
  • 適切な動詞が使われています。
  • 言葉のcollocation (組み合わせ)はいいです。


  • Saratoga Springsは正しいが、minor detailになるので、ここはNew YorkかAmericaで。
  • who is→who wasは時制の一致。
  • Sprongs→Springs
  • 同格のカンマで固有名詞の補足説明を挿入。
  • that節内でandを使ってパラレルに。who was a chef in New York and arranged them for a customer
  • main ideaはpotato chipsの起源で the most important detailは客との対応で偶然できたということ。大統領のくだりを要約すると得点できない。
  • trace A to Bは歴史ものの要約に便利なフレーズなので身に付けよう。


We can trace the origin of potato chips to George Crum, a chef in New York, who coincidently arranged French flies for a customer by cutting them into thin slices.


No waste. It is the first strategy to distribute your time rationally. — Yoshio Akao

無駄を省け。戦略の第一は時間の合理的分配である。 赤尾好夫 作

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