It is well known that many people experience culture shock when they travel
to another country. After a certain period of excitement with a new and
strange experience, they feel nervous, isolated, or irritated, and in some
cases go so far as feeling hostility toward the culture even when they
chose to move abroad. Most of them end up adjusting themselves to the new
environment, but when they go back to their own culture, a similar phenomenon
may occur, especially to those who successfully immersed themselves in
the other culture. The pleasure of reunion captures them at first, though
they might soon find their family and friends are not interested in their
experience overseas and don’t listen to them as attentively as they expected.
Their disappointment then turns into apprehension when they realize that
things have changed while they were away and feel as if there were no longer
a place for them in their country. They may experience the same feeling
they initially had overseas, wishing to ‘go back.’ It is said that this
second shock can be more difficult to cope with, mainly because they usually
don’t expect or prepare themselves for it. It is no wonder that any possibility
of another adjustment didn’t come into their mind on the plane back home.
The experiences of culture shock are caused by the desire to go
back to their home country,but they almost didn’t expect that they would feel
lonely when they came back home.
- 簡潔でいいです。
- いいたいことがよく伝わってきます。
- 原文に正確です。
- country,butをスペースを入れて、country, butにする。
- didn’tをdid notにする。学術的な作文では短縮形を使わないのが原則。
- main ideaはカルチャーショックは行きと帰りに起こる点。
- the most important detailは帰りの「セカンドショック」のほうが扱いが困難なこと。
- キーワードのsecond shockはdirect quoteなのでダブルコーテーションマークに。
- the formerとthe latterは比較の便利な表現。
- difficult = challenging
- expect = anticipate
- cope with = deal with
shock could happen to people when they go overseas and come back, but the
latter is much more challenging to deal with than the former because ordinary
people do not anticipate or get ready for the so-called “second shock” when
they are home.
your mind. How much you focus leads to how much you get it. — Yoshio Akao
精神を集中しよう。集中の度合いが理解の度合いだ。 赤尾好夫 作
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