
府中市で高校・大学・大学院受験 英語塾 英検 TOEIC TOEFL アメリカ留学 英文読解の透視図なら とも英語塾府中 小金井 国分寺 東府中 調布からも便利です



It is well known that famous writers often lead lives that are not typical of their contemporaries, but few writers have the luxury of being able to devote their whole lives to writing, or the desire to do so. A few examples from the 18th and 19th century literary world should demonstrate the point. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe was active in various fields, besides writing poems, novels and plays. After studying law, art, music, anatomy and chemistry in Strasburg in his early twenties, he became minister of state in Weimar and manager of the court theatre. Leo Tolstoy was known as an educational reformer and pacifist moral philosopher as well as being the author of the fiction classics War and Peace and Anna Karenina. From 1859, he set up 13 schools for peasant children, all based on a libertarian philosophy. Lewis Carroll, in addition to writing Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, was a mathematician, photographer and university teacher, who traveled widely throughout the world. Separated by distance and genre, these three authors all serve to prove the point that the myth of writers separated from the world in their ‘ivory towers’ holds little substance in reality.           





要約文はmain ideaとthe most important detailで構成します。「どこまで要約すればいいのか」はthe most important detailまでで、minor detailsは要約しません。頂いた和訳の後にアドバイスを載せましたので、参考にして頂ければと思います。





Most writers had worked on not only writings but also other jobs such as educationist.


  • main ideaは取れている。
  • 文法は正確。
  • 簡潔で読みやすい。
  • 和訳も上手。


  • 要約文にthe most important detail(有名作家は働かず、自分の世界に引きこもっているという偏見は間違い)を入れよう。
  • 有名作家の「現実」と「我々が彼らに抱く偏見」が対比されている。
  • 「現実」のほうは書けているので、「我々が彼らに抱く偏見」を関係代名詞の非制限用法, whichを使って足す。
  • その対比(ギャップ)をnot A but Bの構文で書く。not A but Bは対比表現の大定番。これを機会に身に付けよう。
  • be apart fromはbe separated fromの同意表現。be apart fromとbe part ofで反意表現。
  • あなたの英語はもっとよくなるので頑張ってください!


Most famous writers throughout the world had worked not only on writings but also for other jobs such as educationist, which shows us that those writers were not apart from our society, doing only what they wanted to do but were part of our society, doing various things they could do to live.


Plan your study. There will be no success without planning. —Yoshio Akao

学習の計画を立てよう。計画のないところに成功はない。赤尾好夫 作
