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"Broken" Language?

New Treasure Stage 3 Lesson 8 Read Do You Speak a "Broken" Language?の定期テスト対策

Every region has has its own way (     ) speaking. We each love our own native language and call it our “mother tongue.” Hawaiian pidgin is a language (useを適切な形にしなさい) by many people (     ) Hawaii (     ) everyday conversation. It deserves the same respect (他のどんな言語と【4語】).

(過去には【3語】), however, Pidgin speakers were told: “Your native language isn’t real,” or “It’s broken English.” (長い間【4語】), Pidgin speakers weren’t proud (     ) their native language.

What is Pidgin?
@A Pidgin language is a new language that develops in situations where speakers of different languages need to communicate. The word “pidgin” was first invented (     ) Chinese workers (     ) English-speaking countries. (  A  ) communicate (     ) foreign people, they developed Chinese Pidgin. (あります【2語】) a lot of Pidgin languages around the world today. Hawaiian Pidgin is probably the most famous (     ) them.

Hawaii was first visited (     ) Europeans (     ) 1778. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, people came (     ) Hawaii (     ) places like Portugal, China, Japan and the Philippines (  B  ) work (     ) farms and sugar plantations.

At first, these workers had no way to communicate (     ) the people they worked with. English was the only common language (     ) them. At that time, AHawaii was gradually becoming part of the United States of America, where English was the common language. Workers (聞き取って【2語】) English and added something to Bit (     ) their own languages. Hawaiian Pidgin (成っている【2語】) English plus loanwords and structures (     ) the workers’ first languages.

Hawaiian Pidgin gradually spread ④all over Hawaii and children began to speak it (     ) their first language. By the 1920s, Pidgin was the language (     ) ⑤the majority (     ) Hawaiians.

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