
府中市で高校・大学・大学院受験 英語塾 英検 ニュートレジャー アメリカ留学 英文読解の透視図なら とも英語塾 府中


New Treasure Stage 3 Lesson 7 Read Guernicaの定期テスト対策

Picasso created Guernica (     ) his own prayer (     ) peace. In 1937, Spain was (  A  ) a civil war. The small town (     ) Guernica, (     ) the north of Spain, was bombed (     ) German planes that supported General Franco. Franco controlled Spain (     ) many years after @that. The attack continued (     ) about three hours, and more than 2,000 villagers were killed or injured.

The attack (     ) Guernica gave Picasso an idea (     ) a painting. (     ) 15 days of the attack, Picasso started to paint Guernica. It was his protest (     ) the war. Picasso completed this enormous work (たった一月で【4語】).

(     ) he was painting the work, he made an announcement (     ) the painting. In the announcement, he said “Through this painting, AI want (Spanish / Civil / has / people / with / which /  Spanish / express / War / , / the / my / caused / the / to / disagreement ) such enormous damage.” The work was exhibited (     ) the 1937 World Exposition (     ) Paris.

Guernica measures 3.5 meters high and 7.8 meters wide. Though Picasso often used many colors (     ) his other works, Guernica is not colorful. BHe used black, white and gray tones, which give Guernica a sad mood. The painting probably (人々には奇妙に見える【4語】) who see it for the first time. They may also think, “What do these objects symbolize?”

There are also many small symbols (     ) the painting. First, what is shown (     ) the left side (     ) the picture is a cow. It looks sad. ④What (cow / woman / the / has / look / of / front / the / made / in / is /sad) it. She is holding a dead child (     ) her arms.

Next, there is a horse in terrible pain (  B  ) the picture. Its body is (ばらばらになって【2語】), and it has a wound (     ) its side. The poor horse also has a knife (     ) his back. There are other (hideを適切な形にしなさい) images, too. ⑤One view is that the horse is a symbol of how war destroys everything.

(     ) the right side, there is a fire. Someone is trapped (     ) the fire. Both her hands are raised (宙に【3語】). There are other lights and animals (     ) the picture. There are also dead soldiers and other symbols (     ) war and destruction. While feelings about the picture (人によって様々だ【5語】), Picasso’s message (     ) war is very clear.

During World War II, a German officer pointed (     ) a picture of Guernica and asked, “Did you do that?” Picasso looked (     ) him and said, “No, you did.”

What did Picasso mean? Surely the officer’s question (  C  ), “Did you paint this picture?” However, Picasso’s answer (  D  ), “⑥What (destruction / war / from / is / the / this / symbolizes / picture). Your country bombed this poor little village (callを適切な形にしなさい) Guernica. This is your fault.”

  • (     )に適する語を指示があれば指示に従って、指示がなければ1語で入れなさい。
  • (  A  )と(  B  )に入る同じ語を4語で書きなさい。 (     ) (     ) (     ) (     )
  • 下線部@のitを本文中の2語で言い換えなさい。(     ) (     )
  • 下線部Aが「私が異を唱えたいのはスペイン内戦であり、それはスペインの人々に多大なる損害を及ぼしている。」となるように(     )内の語を並べ替えなさい。I want                                                          such enormous damage.
  • 下線部Bを下記のように書き換えるとき(     )に適する語を書きなさい。He used black, white and gray tones, (     ) (     ) give Guernica a sad mood.
  • 下線部④が「その牛を悲しく見せているのはその前にいる女性だ。」となるように(     )内の語を並べ替えなさい。What                              it.
  • 下線部⑤を下記の(     )を埋めて和訳を完成させなさい。一つの考えは(                             )ということだ。
  • (  C  )と(  D  )には入る同じ語を書きなさい。  (     )
  • 下線部⑥が「この絵が象徴することは戦争による破壊だ。」となるように(     )内の語を並べ替えなさい。
  • Guernicaのシンボルを下の日本語の中から選び、出てきた順に並べなさい。(         )→(         )→(         )→(         )→(         )→(         )→(         )→(         ) 
