
府中市で高校・大学・大学院受験 英語塾 英検 TOEIC TOEFL アメリカ留学 英文読解の透視図なら とも英語塾府中 小金井 国分寺 東府中 調布からも便利です

New Treasure 2 Takashi's Speech

NEW TREASURE 2 Lesson 5 Part 2の定期テスト対策

New Treasure Stage 2 Takashi's Speech

My name is Jesse Wang. I’m (     ) Singapore. Shall I tell you (     ) my school?

(     ) Singapore, people use four different languages. They are English, Chinese, Malay (     ) Tamil. (     ) school, most classes are (     ) English. My native language is Chinese, (     ) I have to study both English and Chinese!

We use computers (     ) many classes, (     ) (     ) math, science and foreign languages. Yesterday my classmates and I worked together (     ) a project. We made a movie (     ) traditional cooking and presented it (     ) the class. The meal looked really delicious, (     ) the video looked great, too! We can also use smartphones (     ) class and look (     ) topics and information.