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New Treasure 2 How to

NEW TREASURE 2 How to Communicate without Words?の定期テスト対策

When we want (     ) say something, we use language. However, words (useを適切な形にしなさい) in a conversation are only part (     ) communication. We usually try (     ) deliver information (     ) (     ) by words (     ) (     ) by our tone (     ) voice and our attitude. For example, if a friend (     ) yours smiles and says, “My! I’m surprised (     ) see you! I didn’t expect (     ) see you here,” he or she is happy (     ) meet you. But if that person does not smile and uses a low tone (     ) voice, he or she is probably not very happy (     ) see you.

We can understand the speaker’s message and feelings easily (     ) a face-to-face conversation. We can still hear the tone (     ) the other person’s voice (     ) the phone, but it often becomes more difficult in (writeを適切な形にしなさい) communication. For example, when we exchange e-mails or text messages (     ) friends (     ) the Internet, we sometimes do not know their true feelings. Are they happy, angry, or sad? So we need (     ) choose our words more carefully (     ) avoid misunderstanding.