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New Treasure 1 Smithsonian ZooNE

NEW TREASURE 1 Smithsonian National Zooの定期テスト対策問題

New Treasure Stage 1 Lesson 5 Read Smithsonian National Zoo

Ann: This is a map (     ) the Smithsonian National Zoo. A lot of animals are (     ) the zoo.
Ken: I like ①elephants. Where are they?
Ann: Here! They are (     ) Area C.
Ken: Three elephants live here. One (     ) them is a baby. It walks very slowly.
Ann: It’s very cute! Elephants like baths. They bathe every day.
Ken: When do they bathe?
Ann: They usually bathe (     ) the morning.


Ken: (「あなたはどんな動物が好きですか」となるように5語で書きなさい)?
Ann: I like pandas very much.
Ken: (「パンダはどこにいますか」となるように4語で書きなさい)?
Ann: Here! They live (     ) Area B.
Ken: They are lovely. Where do they come (     )?
Ann: They come (     ) China.
Ken: What do they eat?
Ann: They usually eat bamboo. They like ②bamboo very much.


Ken: (「この絵はもう一つの動物を表しています」となるように5語で書きなさい).
Ann: It is a leopard! Leopards run very fast.
Ken: Oh, it (haveを適切な形にしなさい) beautiful markings.
Ann: (「それには長い尻尾があります」となるように6語で書きなさい).
Ken: Where does it usually live?
Ann: It (spendを適切な形にしなさい) a lot of time (     ) trees.
Ken: I see. The zoo is exciting!

問題: 下線部①の語にはsが付くが、下線部②の語には付かないのはなぜか?