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New Treasure 1 MansfieldNE

NEW TREASURE 1 Mansfieldの定期テスト対策

New Treasure Stage 1 Lesson 13 Read Mansfield

Mansfield is a mining town. Mr. Hall was a miner. He lived in Mansfield and he worked (     ) the mine.

This is Mr. Hall’s photograph. It is an old photograph. “Look at my photograph,” he says. “There are (     ) people in the street. They are going to work (     ) the mine. There are (     ) (     ) (     ) shops. (     ) people lived in Mansfield then. Mansfield was a busy town. There were (     ) (     ) (     ) children.” But Mansfield was a dirty town. 木々がありません (     ) (     ) (     ) (     ) in the old photograph. The mine wasn’t very clean. The river was very dirty (     ) (     ) the mine and (     ) (     ) no fish in the river. The air was (     ) very dirty and there were (     ) sick people. Many people were sad.

This is a new photograph. Today, Mansfield is different. マンスフィールドには炭鉱はない (     ) (     ) (     ) (     ) (     ) (     ) now. There are trees in the photograph. Now the river is clean and たくさんの魚がいる (     ) (     ) (     ) (     ). The air is clean, too. There are (     ) sick people in Mansfield today. But Mansfield is not a busy town now. There (     ) no mine and there (     ) no miners. There are (     ) jobs in Mansfield. In this photograph, there are (     ) people in the street and there are no children (     ) the park.

Does Mr. Hall like Mansfield now? Mr. Hall says, “Mansfield is a clean town now, so I am happy. But there are (     ) people in Mansfield and I am sad.” 公害はない (     ) (     ) (     ) (     ) in Mansfield today, but 仕事がない (     ) (     ) (     ) (     ). “We must save the earth,” says Mr. Hall, “But we must make jobs, too.”