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New Treasure 1 Lesson 12 Part 1NE

NEW TREASURE 1 Lesson 12 Part 1 の定期テスト対策

New Treasure Stage 1 Lesson 12 Part 1

Yumi:   (     ) (     ) (     ) have a surprise party for Karen tomorrow. Can you join us, Tom?

Tom: Yes, of course. I’ll come. (     ) Sam join us, too?

Yumi: No, he won’t. He (     ) (     ) (     ) see a dentist tomorrow.

Tom: That’s too bad. Anyway, (     ) bake a large cake for the party. (     ) be a great party.

① The concert (     ) (     ) start at six thirty.始まるでしょう

② We (     ) (     ) in time for the first train.間に合うでしょう

③ I (     ) (     ) you around Tokyo tomorrow.案内するつもりだ

④ It (     ) (     ) (     ) this evening.雨は降らないでしょう

⑤ We (     ) (     ) swimming in the lake this summer.行くつもりはない

⑥ (     ) your father (     ) home before five?帰宅するでしょうか?

Yes, he (     ). / No, he (     ).

⑦ (     ) you (     ) free this afternoon?お暇でしょうか?

Yes, I (     ). / No, I (     ).