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New Treasure 1 Languages in IndiaNE

NEW TREASURE 1 Languages in Indiaの定期テスト対策

New Treasure Stage 1 Lesson 14 Read languages in India

Dear Yuta,

Thank you (     ) your e-mail. You asked me (     ) Indian languages. I’ll explain (     ) them.

We have a lot of languages (     ) India. English and Hindi are the two main languages. Hindi has the (     ) speakers. (     ) 400 million people speak this language in India. But 400 million is not (     ) (     ) (     ) in India. About 1.2 billion people live (     ) our country! In India, each state has its (     ) language. Also, there are many (     ) in India. They use (     ) languages. There are (     ) (     ) 100 languages in India! So we use many languages (     ) the same time. (     ) example, there are 15 languages (     ) Indian bank notes.

I can speak two languages. I speak Hindi (     ) home. I read the local newspaper and watch TV (     ) Hindi. I study English (     ) school. I sometimes talk (     ) my friends (     ) school in English. I speak Hindi (     ) (     ) English. I am going (     ) work in America (     ) the future, so I must study English harder. Hindi and English are both very important (     ) me.

Tell me (     ) the Japanese language (     ) your next e-mail.

Take care,
