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New Treasure 1 Greetings from E

NEW TREASURE 1 Greetings from Alaskaの定期テスト対策

New Treasure Stage 1 Lesson 9 Read Greetings from Alaska


Denali National Park is (11の国立公園のひとつだ【6語】) in Alaska. Denali is another name (     ) Mt. McKinley. It is 6,194 meters high.

You can visit Denali National Park (     ) train (     ) Anchorage. The journey (     ) train takes (約7時間半【6語】).

You cannot visit Denali (     ) your own car. You can take the public bus or tour bus. Denali National Park is home (     ) brown bears, wolves and a lot of wild animals. They can live safely here.

Lucky tourists can see wild animals, Mt. McKinley and the aurora (     ) the trip.

Dear Robert,

Greeting (     ) Alaska! I am writing this card (     ) Denali National Park. It’s a very big park. It’s about the size (     ) Shikoku island! My family and I came here (     ) the tour bus (3日前に【3語】). We are camping here.

I saw a brown bear family yesterday! They came close (     ) our tour bus, but they (気にしなかった【3語】). I took many pictures (     ) them.

Do you like aurora? I like it very much, but the aurora (出なかった【2語】). We cannot see the aurora very well (     ) June. I’m (少し悲しい【3語】), but I’m really enjoying my trip.

Your friend,

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