
府中市で高校・大学・大学院受験 英語塾 英検 TOEIC TOEFL アメリカ留学 英文読解の透視図なら とも英語塾府中 小金井 国分寺 東府中 調布からも便利です

ELEMENT III Language Extinction

ELEMENT III Language Extinctionの定期テスト対策

Element III Language Extinction
Fill the blanks.

What do we lose (     ) a language dies? It is our belief that we lose (     ) (     ) the cultural practices and traditions of that society, (     ) (     ) the knowledge that the society has accumulated (     ) (     ) . (     ) (     ) (     ) the knowledge that is lost, we also lose the diversity that (makeを適切な形にしなさい) the world such an interesting place.

(     ) then becomes important (     ) understand (     ) can be done (     ) protect the world’s languages. There are two main active approaches to (     ) (     ) endangered languages. One approach is language preservation. This is often done when the language has been reduced (     ) very few (liveを適切な形にしなさい) speakers. Linguists try to record (     ) (     ) information about the language and culture (     ) is possible, (     ) (     ) (     ) language death.

The other is language revitalization. This is done when there is awareness (     ) the linguistic community (     ) the need (     ) promote the language. The linguistic community must take an active role (     ) (     ) that the language is used in the home, in education, in trade, and in the media.

As (     ) (     ) (     ) communities of endangered languages realize the importance of (preserveを適切な形にしなさい) the language and culture of their people (     ) future generations, more languages (     ) (     ) (     ) be saved. (     ) is possible (     ) bring a language back (     ) near extinction. However, it requires efforts (     ) all sides, (includeを適切な形にしなさい) learners, the elders, the government and linguists.