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ELEMENT II Euglena定期テスト対策

Element II Euglena
However, when he sought (     ) the advice of experts (     ) microbiology, he was always told that euglena was (     ) difficult (     ) culture. In fact, there was no precedent (     ) the time (     ) the production (     ) the organism (規模において【3語】) that Izumo’s project required.

However difficult it was to develop the necessary cultivation techniques and technologies, Izumo did not give up. He teamed up (     ) a researcher (     ) euglena cultivation and a supplier (     ) functional foods, and in 2005 Izumo and his team founded a company.

In their quest (     ) develop the cultivation methods (needを適切な形に), Izumo and his collegues contacted euglena researchers (     ) Japan. Impressed by their enthusiasm, a number of researchers offered their services. As a result, (     ) the end of 2005 Izumo’s team had finally succeeded in (produceを適切な形に)the world’s first large-scale outdoor cultivation tank (     ) euglena. “Researchers (     ) all over Japan stood (肩を並べて【3語】) with us (     ) our quest to improve the world (     ) euglena,” Izumo says. “It really was a nationwide endeavor.”

The use of euglena (     ) biotechnology is one area where the strength of Japan really shines (     ). The country has a long history of (useを適切な形に) microorganisms and fermentation (     ) the production (     ) miso, soy sauce, and sake. Those traditional methods are similar, (多くの点において【3語】), to the technologies (employを適切な形に) to use euglena (     ) food and (     ) energy production. (それらの方法なしに【3語】), the team would not have succeeded (使用において【4語】) euglena.

(早送りすると【3語】) the present day, and they see that questions about the uses of euglena are coming (     ) from all over the world. Work on (improveを適切な形に) the incubation techniques continues (     ) a facility (     ) Ishigaki island in Okinawa. The various types of euglena produced there (     ) food and biofuel products are shipped (     ) a number of other research institutions.

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