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ELEMENT I Christian the LionEADLINE

ELEMENT I Christian the Lionの定期テスト対策

Element I Lesson2 Part1&2 Christian the Lion

Shoppers filled a big London department store one day in 1969. John and Ace shared a house in London at that time. They were shopping then for Christmas presents to send (  A  ) their families in Australia.

While they were shopping, they found a small cage with a baby lion (  B  ) it for sale! @“I’ve never seen a lion in a department store!” Ace cried out in surprise.

The baby lion was cute but looked really sad. They felt sorry (  C  ) the lion in such a small cage. Finally John said, “Let’s buy him.”

The male lion was named Christian. (  D  ) just a few days, Alike / Christian /   to / his / life / Ace / with / John / came / and / new / . The two men and Christian got along really well. When one of the men was talking (  E  ) the other, Christian would touch him gently to show that he wanted to play with them.

Christian also loved to go out. John and Ace bought a special collar (  F  ) him. When they went out and walked with him, he pulled (  G  ) his lead like an excited little dog. They Bfield / hours / ran / and / for / with / played / ball / a / together / in / a / also / ran /. “I can’t imagine life (  H  ) him.” John said with a smile.

At first, people were surprised to see a lion in the city of London. However, they soon found that Christian was a lovely little friend. CLots of people, included newspaper photographers and television reporters, came seeing him.

However, Christian was growing up very fast. John and Ace felt that their happy life wouldn’t last long.

  • (  A  )から(  H  )に入る前置詞を答えなさい。
  • 下線部@を和訳しなさい。
  • 下線部Aを「クリスチャンはジョンとエースとの彼の新生活を気に入るようになった。」となるように並べ替えなさい。
  • 下線部Bを「何時間も野原で一緒にボールを使って走って遊んだりもした」となるように並べ替えなさい。
  • 下線部Cには間違いが二個ある。それぞれ抜き出して訂正しなさい。
  • a.からe.の意味する語を本文から選んで答えなさい。
    1. to form a picture or idea in your mind about what something could be like
    2. a narrow band of leather or plastic that is fastened around an animal’s neck
    3. continue for a particular length of time
    4. a structure made of wires or bars in which birds or animals can be kept
    5. in a tender way so that people feel nice
  • 次の日本文を英文にしなさい。
    1. スタジアムには大勢の興奮したサッカーファンがいたが、試合自体はたいして興奮するものではなかったのは残念だった。
    2. 私は今までにクリスチャンのようなかわいいライオンの話を聞いたことが一度もないので、お話を読んで感動した。