CROWN II The Long Voyage Homeの定期テスト対策
CROWN II Lesson 9 Part 3 The Long Voyage Home
(「来る日も来る日も」となるように5語で書きなさい ), the team sent a message: “Hayabusa, we are waiting ( ) your answer. Come ( ), please!” But no spacecraft ( ) history had ever been able ( ) start communication again (「そんなに長い通信途絶後に」となるように5語で書きなさい ).
Hayabusa was lost ( ) space ( )
43 days. Finally it answered, but the window ( )
opportunity ( ) re-entry had already passed. Hayabusa
had to remain ( ) space (「もう3年間」となるように4語で書きなさい
). Later, there was a new problem: all four engines stopped. (「はやぶさ」が地球へ帰還するのはほとんど不可能だった」となるようにItで始めて11語で書きなさい
). However, by somehow (fixを適切な形にしなさい) the engines, the team succeeded
in (reactivateを適切な形にしなさい) Hayabusa.
In June 2010, Hayabusa, badly (damageを適切な形にしなさい), was finally approaching
the Earth. Hayabusa released the capsule ( ) the
soil samples successfully, and would soon burn up ( )
a shooting star. (「それは熱に耐えれるように作られていなかった」となるように8語で書きなさい) of re-entry--about
3,000 degree Celsius. Kawaguchi Junichiro, manager ( )
the Hayabusa Project, sent one last command. “Take a photo ( )
the Earth.” All the project members wanted to see what the Earth
looked like ( ) Hayabusa just ( )
it burned up. Hayabusa tried to take the photo several times but failed. Finally, (「まさに最後の瞬間で」となるように5語で書きなさい),
it took this photo--Hayabusa’s final farewell.
問題: 下線部がtried taking では正しくない理由は何ですか?