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CROWN II Ashuraの定期テスト対策

CROWN II Lesson 6 Part 1 Ashura

In 2009 an exhibition of Buddhist statues was held in Tokyo, and later in Kyusyu. It was a remarkable success, (     ) over 1,650,000 visitors.

下線部のItが指すものを5語で答えよ (     ) (     ) (     ) (     ) (     )

The most popular feature was the statue (     ) thee faces: Ashura.

In Nara park you can see the Five-Storied Pagoda of Kufukuji Temple. (     ) the temple grounds is the Kofukuji National Treasure Museum, and this is (     ) you can find one (     ) the best-known Buddhist statues in Japan: Ashura.

Kofukuji Temple was built (     ) Fujiwara family when Nara became the capital (     ) 710. It was one of the “Four Great Temples” (     ) Nara.

In 734 Empress Komyo established a hall彼女の母を偲ぶために (     ) (     ) (     ) (     ) and enshrined 28 statues. (     ) them are the Hchibusyu, the protectors of Buddha. There is a story (     ) Ashura was once a cruel warrior, constantly fighting with Taishakuten. Later, he 目が覚めて真実がわかり(     ) (     ) (     ) (     ) (     ) (     ), repented, and became one of the protectors.  (     ) earliest times, people have prayed (     ) the Hchibusyu (     ) healing and purification.