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Journal Log #7 and #8HEA

Log #7 for Week 7, February 18-22

Task-Force Group #6 Presentation:
TFG#6 gave a very thorough presentation on Monday.  The group tackled the seventeenth century French theatre and made a mark in DWC class.  Almost all of the topics they discussed were very important for DWC students to understand French Neoclassicism. The presenters in the group studied their topics in detail, outlined their presentation in a concise manner, and utilized various visual aides, such as transparencies and handouts.

The first topic we discussed was the physical structure of the seventeenth century theatre in France.  Indoor-tennis courts were often remodeled into theatres.  Liz Smith explained that this unique use of tennis court was based on many reasons. Many tennis courts were enclosed and roofed. They featured a large open floor, gallery for spectators, and windows that provides a good source of light.  Liz showed us a transparency of drawing of a tennis court of the type and time.

Next, the group moved on the concepts of the French Neoclassicism.It is the official state policy of arts in France of the time. Among the plays, tragedy was considered supreme art. At this point of the discussion, Professor Luciano offered an augmentation. He said, Phaedra is Hamlet for the French. This is a powerful augmentation and will stay in our head for many years. Phaedra represents the French Neoclassicism because verisimilitude (truth-seeming), decorum, and three unities (time, place, and action) are major components of the play.

Log #8 for Week 8, February 25-March 1

Timeout for the production compress

Go to Log #9 and #10