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New Treasure 2 Lesson 5 Part 2

New Treasure Stage 2 Lesson 5 Part 2の定期テスト対策

New Treasure Stage 2 Lesson 5 Part 2

Today, I’m going to talk about (serveを適切な形にしなさい) washoku. When we serve food (     ) Japan, we use many kinds (     ) plates, bowls and dishes. We usually use pottery, glass, lacquer (     ) wooden tableware. They have different shapes: big, small, deep, shallow, round and square. They (かもしれない【1語】) also have different colors and different designs. 下線部の意味は「違う」それとも「様々な」?

The most important thing is (matchを適切な形にしなさい) the food and the dish. Look (     ) this bowl. This glass bowl (lookを適切な形にしなさい) very cool and it is good (     ) summer. For example, we can use it (     ) serve sashimi or somen (     ) ice.

Also, (     ) celebrate a happy occasion, we (かもしれない【1語】) use a gold-colored dish or one (     ) the shape (     ) a fan.

Arranging the food (     ) the dish is also very important. In Photo 1, the food (     ) the front (     ) the dish is low and higher (     ) the back. In washoku, we try (     ) imitate nature.

The food must look delicious (     ) the dish, and we (できるようにしたい【5語】) see both the dish and the food. In Photo 2, the space (     ) the foods is (     ) important (     ) the food. We don’t fill the dish (     ) food. The food and the dish are one.

(〜について話すことは【2語】) serving washoku and about Japanese dishes is very interesting. (〜と同様に【3語】) cooking delicious food, (useを適切な形に) beautiful dishes is an important part (     ) serving delicious washoku. The right dishes (反映している【1語】) our love (     ) beauty and our love (     ) food.